Is my monitor on the way out?

Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
I've had the snappily named AOC q3279vwfd8 monitor for years now. 31.5", 2560x1440, 75Hz. It was a good monitor for the price (cheap) back then and I've had a lot of use out of it.

Recently I've noticed a very small spot near the left edge of the screen (near the middle vertically) that's consistently a little bit brighter than the rest of the screen. Just a little bit brighter, only noticeable if that part of the screen is showing a light colour. Just a very small spot, a splodge a few mm high and couple of mm wide. I also sometimes get a narrow bar of flickering on all 4 edges, but only when watching videos of Youtube and only sometimes.

The brighter spot in particular makes me wonder if I have an excuse for an upgrade my monitor is on the way out. Opinions?
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