Is my new computer ok setting wise? (cpuz screenie in here)

24 Oct 2005
North East

By looking at that do u think its all ok, comp is running nice, no crashes or errors and is stable in prime 95 for 1 hour (twice). Aint done memtest as i dunno how it works really plus hate dos stuff.

Mainly want to know about ram, as its timings are tighter than stock, so far no probs but just worried incase if ram is ok and nothings happening that im not seeing thats all.

Is the mb and cpu stuff all ok, i think they are but im sure if theres any problems someone will be kind enough to point them out.

CPU volts are 1.4 in bios btw and as has been said to me cpuz detection of volts is not the best as it fluctuates and gives fluctuating near what it is results instead of stable accurate ones.

So basically is everything ok by what u see?

I get 4297 i think in pc mark 2004 and 4238 ish in 3d mark 05

AMD 64 3500+ (stock with arctic 64 pro on it)
2gb geil value ram with tighter timings stock fsb tho (1t i think as well) in scsoft sandra im getting in the 4400 range or memory benchmark)
asus v9999 ge 6800 with 256mb gddr3 ram.
soundblaster audigy 2 zs.
I set the timings to better ones, just woundering if there ok thats all as in is this too much tighter that they should be for this ram? Also btw i was woundering if anyone knows the default volts for the ram, as at the mo in bios is set to auto for the volts for ram and not sure if i should set them to a specifc volts instead? Be ok as it is or what?
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