Is my pc under performing?

21 Dec 2009
I had just played Batman Dark asylum demo on steam with everything maxed out adn vsinc turned off and told the physix to use my GPU at 1680 x 1050

my fps never goes over 31 most of the time, one little point it went to 60 but only for a few secconds, it even drops down to 22fps in areas :S

is this normal for this demo / game?

also in L4D2 my fps is a bit off, as soon as you start the game i have over 100fps, as i get into the game say the carnival level i am arround 80fps throughout, once again vsinc is turned off.....

should i not be getting higher fps? especially in batman game?

PhysX is very demanding (and produces basically no benefit). Turn it off and Arkham Asylum will run a lot better. As for L4D - 80fps - wow, I feel for you. I really wouldn't worry about that one.
Also sorry to butt in here, but it saves starting a new thread,, why isnt batman in the centre of the screen???,, its very off putting that batman is to the left of the screen.
you most video files are shown at 24fps~ so if you think getting 80 sucks then you are an idiot - play the game and stop looking at the fps monitor, its much more fun!!! Turn the AA down a bit from 16 (or whatever it is) and turn off physix which is just an Nvidia gimmick that you probably won't miss.
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