Is my power supply struggling?

3 Jun 2005
Bristol/Portsmouth, England
Hi guys just wondering if you can help me try and find out what is crashing my system, and im trying to rule out the psu.

I have a Blue Hiper 580w Modular PSU and wondering if it would stuggle running the following:
Opteron 165 (stock)
2gb Gksill ZX Ram
300gb Sata Maxtor HDD
160gb IDE Maxtor HDD
Ati X1900xtx 512mb
Biostar Gforce 6100m9 skt 939 matx mobo
3 120mm fans (2x Akasa Amber, 1x Thermaltake)
1 80mm fan (akasa amber)
Floppy Driver Fan Controller

Any help on this would be great.

Cheers - Nixeh -
I have a X2 @ 2.5ghz, X1900XT @ over XTX, 74Gb Raptor, 2Gb ZX and other stuff, and using a cheap wattage meter, I got it to peak at 481W, with a constant at 441W.

Running BF2, with two folding at home WUs going.

Running a 520W OCZ PowerSteam, im doubting its efficency atm :(

It should be okay tho, esp a 580W one, tried measuring rails with a multi-metre?
The Hiper has 360w max combined 12v. I doubt your near that, nearer 240w 12v. But to be certain get a multimeter and check the voltage at full core + graphics load.
Concorde Rules said:
Running a 520W OCZ PowerSteam, im doubting its efficency atm :(
They're not the best, 65% at load if I remember correctly. I was looking at one of those recently, very nice. I bought a PCP&C in the end, which I have to say is excellent.
fornowagain said:
They're not the best, 65% at load if I remember correctly. I was looking at one of those recently, very nice. I bought a PCP&C in the end, which I have to say is excellent.

ouch! Thats not good :eek: Ruffly 300W? is useful, rest is wasted :(

It's a bit like how long is a piece of string.

Are there any system/application errors in event viewer?

Things to try/check. I'm sure there are loads more.

Bios update
latest drivers installed, try older drivers
Memory stick positions, voltage to low/high
Dual core drivers
CPU voltage bump.
Stress it with S&M watch the voltages.
Temperatures at load, cpu, memory to hot, case air flow
Voltage stability, another high load in the same mains socket?
Spyware or virus
hard drive corruption, I've known sata's not like mixing with pata IDE
down clock the XTX, that will take off quite a bit of load
disconnect each device/component one a time see what happens
see if there is any repeatable pattern to the crashes
IRQ conflict

its a start
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