Is now a good time to buy?

8 Nov 2005
First of all allow me to admit that I don't know the first thing about Macs, so this question might be a really stupid one to be asking.

I'm a commercial photographer so I spend most of my time at client's premises taking photos and then relying on a little portable device to show off unprocessed images before I pack up my gear and head home to do my post-processing. At the moment I use a Windows desktop machine for all my work but I've had enough of it's little nuances.

So I'm intending to get myself a 15" MacBook Pro so I can have a portable machine with enough grunt to run Adobe CS4 Design Premium and Lightroom but that also has a fantastic quality screen to show my clients what they are paying for.

But I seem to have a knack for buying into things when they're reaching the end of their natural life-span and I'm wondering if there are any upcoming software/hardware revisions due for the Mac that would be worth waiting for. Or is it much of a muchness and now is as good a time as any?
There are no rumours regarding a Macbook refresh that I'm aware of. Of course, that doesn't mean that there aren't any ;)

If the current spec meets your requirements, then you should buy. Otherwise you'll be waiting forever.
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