Is Onboard still this bad?

2 Nov 2004
Watford, Herts
I have recently changed my mobo from NF7-S to IP35 with realtek HD.

I have muted the unused incoming channels (mic, aux) yet I get a constant humming in the headphones. When I move the mouse the hum moves along with it. I'm using the latest realtek drivers.
I get the same in headphone mode as the phones are being amped, whereas running in speaker mode you get none but a flat sound.

Just bought a USB DAC/AMP for my headphones to sort it.
I get little noises when I move my mouse when I use my Razer headset. And that's with output set as 5.1speakers on an X-Fi. I don't really care though, because it's only noticeable when everything else is silent, and if that's the case, why bother having them on at all.
HeadRoom Total Bithead is about the cheapest decent one you can buy new. Will cost about £100 to get it over here.

I just picked up a home made one by the rather special MisterX for £75 shipped.
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