Is SHIFT worth it? (...and the wait?)



30 Apr 2003
From a design point of view I love it, it'll tidy up my evolv x a little too, but is it worth the mark up and wait times?

Not sure if Corsair are going through a model transition at the moment as they seem to be out of stock all over the place too, so much so, I was tempted with going with the none shift equivalent, but that then opens me up to a world of, what else is there? :confused:

7500f, rx480 (initially, moving to intel or another gfx card later), couple of nvm-e drives, couple of ssds, one or two had drives. Few fans for exhaust and 3 on the cooler for intake so it's not wild power wise, I'm batting for 1000w so I'm covered for whatever the warranty period will be (10-12 years with any luck) but suspect I'm hitting around 500-600w max at the moment.
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