Is the Future Bright?: BrightSide Technologies

4 Feb 2006
I came across this article on

bit-tech seem to suggest that High Dynamic Range panels (HDR) will be economically available in 12-18 month's time. They seem to suggest that these HDR panels will have a great dynamic range, astounding luminance, and awesome contrast ratios.

bit-tech seem to suggest that these near-future HDR-panel-based models will be groundbreaking, and will blow the competition away - SED, OLED, and maxed-out 'traditional' LCDs included!

Is this particular future, bright, or some kind of a hyped-up dead-end?

kleox64 said:
This is for comercial use and the technology still relies on LCD panels meaning the drawback of LCD's are carried along with it. The thoery is great on paper however the implementation is expensive, cumbersome and unreliable. For computer monitor use they would need LED's at the pixel level, so 2.2M leds for a 1920x1200 resolution display, does this sound feasable? As for economically available buy the time that happens SED will off appeared with lower power, thiner profile, <<1ms response time, 10k-->100K:1 contrast ratios's and full viewing angles.

Thanks kleox64 for the interesting info.

I will look into the capabilities of SEDs.

However, whether or not SEDs are the future, it seems from what I can gather that the 'perfect' blow-yer-socks-off monitor is not so very far away!

I'd be interested in your thoughts...Is the 'perfect display' just around the corner? Or, not?

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