Is the Hard Drive faulty?

19 Oct 2002
I got a WD WD2500YS 250gb, I ran HD Tune and I get speeds at a maximum of 50mb/sec with the speeds test, the hard drive also fails on the Health Test, on the Spin up time. I got a Samsung F1 1Tb drive and it gets speeds off around 120mb/sec.

Is the drive faulty?
I downloaded the Western Digital Drive test tools, It reports a Smart Failure and it never seems to be able to complete a quick test, Should I RMA this drive now before it fails, or will they not accept it?
either faulty or your mobo support SATA-II so you may remove the jumper pin at the back which is SATA-150 as default (remove it then it enable as SATA-II) check it again...
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