Is the photography scene saturated? a bit boring..

5 Apr 2010
On Your Screen
I was thinking the other day whilst browsing flickr randomly so many pictures that are the same, or have the same effects, you know...just a bit repetitive boring.

Everyone has a camera these days with it being so cheap including DSLR's, before it was like a rich man's hobby, now every tom, dick and harry is on the game, it's a good thing in one way as more people can enjoy it with it being affordable.

With the advent of camera phones everyone is taking pictures these days then adding some instagram filter on it and posting them up. I don't see any creative flair or stories behind pictures, it's just become a fad, and in some ways killed the "wow" factor when I used to see in 'properly' taken photos.

Anyone catch my drift or am I talking nonsense? I guess in a way my gripe is really with camera phones and apps like instagram. I really do despise stuff like instagram.
Some interesting comments and some that I was trying to articulate (and not very well).

What I have learned is that there is A LOT of pictures now available for viewing on the internet, many of the same scene, same angle and same style (Menai Bridge in North Wales is classic example).

This was one aspect I was trying to highlight, there are so many photos that are just the same and the "wow" factor is gone or the pics just ain't interesting anymore. Take beach shot or seasides or whatever you want to call it, there are so many, a lot of them might be technically brilliant and all that, but there's just so many of the same types or they've been done so many times that it doesn't seem interesting anymore.

Personally speaking I love raw shots that have a story or meaning behind, or something that makes you ponder or think and they make a much more compelling photo then a technically superior one when they have those characteristics. I recently went through a set on flickr about "neglected or abandoned old cars", most of the photos were just raw and from a technical perspective poop, but they were really fascinating and made me ponder. The subject of course makes up most of the interesting part.
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