Is there a button on OSX that lets me go straight to the desktop?

1 Sep 2007
This has been doing my heading for a while now, when I have loads of windows up - I have to minimize them to get to my desktop.

Now is there a button like on windows that will allow me to do that?

Sorry if it seems an obvious question! :p
Hehe...Check in system preferences > expose and spaces > expose and have a quick gander what button is assigned to show desktop?
Command-F3? Depends what Mac/keyboard you have. F11 worked on the older ones (like my Powerbook). Think Command-F3 is the one for the new iMac etc.
It depends on how you've got your keyboard configured. F11 works for me as well because I've got this set...

Or, another point of view. Consider if you actually need to look at your desktop. Use finder to look at files on the desktop and use the dock or spotlight to launch applications. The whole minimising thing is kinda redundant in os x and is an old windows habit.
Another alternative is to command + tab to finder and hit command + option + H to hide everything but finder, which usually leaves you staring at your desktop, free to play around without the chance of windows flying back in.
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