Not quite sure how to say it in one sentence.
Many fans are designed to look good from one side. My most recent experience with Lian Li Uni fans is a good example. They look really special from the ‘correct’ side, as if you have them in a case as exhaust or with push configuration on a Rad the visually good side is nice and smooth with a nice Aluminium style centre cap. However, as I’m using three of them on the side and three more on the bottom of my O-11 Dynamic, all as intake, the rear of the fans are in view with the cabling and four support brackets in full view and the nice centre of the fans is completely hidden.
So, given the rise in windows cases showing a lot more than having one glass panel at the side, sometimes heavily smoked or tinted, is there a need or a demand for a fan that can be setup as intake at the side, front or bottom of a case with the ‘nice’ side being visible? Clearly this would need to be marketed and sold as such as putting them on a rad or on a normal style case would mean the flow going the other way than intended, but is there a market for such a design? Perhaps there already is such a thing?
Many fans are designed to look good from one side. My most recent experience with Lian Li Uni fans is a good example. They look really special from the ‘correct’ side, as if you have them in a case as exhaust or with push configuration on a Rad the visually good side is nice and smooth with a nice Aluminium style centre cap. However, as I’m using three of them on the side and three more on the bottom of my O-11 Dynamic, all as intake, the rear of the fans are in view with the cabling and four support brackets in full view and the nice centre of the fans is completely hidden.
So, given the rise in windows cases showing a lot more than having one glass panel at the side, sometimes heavily smoked or tinted, is there a need or a demand for a fan that can be setup as intake at the side, front or bottom of a case with the ‘nice’ side being visible? Clearly this would need to be marketed and sold as such as putting them on a rad or on a normal style case would mean the flow going the other way than intended, but is there a market for such a design? Perhaps there already is such a thing?