Is there a device to cover all my demand services?

10 Jul 2006
It seems that every device I look at seems to have one or more services missing.

I use:
- Amazon Instant Video
- Netflix
- Blinkbox
- BT Sport (via web)
- Now TV
- 4od/All4

I would love to be able to use a tablet to browse content and play aswell rather than an interface on the TV.

I'm thinking to cover as many of the services as I can (exception All4) I need both a Chromecast + Fire TV Stick.

I think I am write in saying I can then get an Amazon Tablet, sideload the Chromecast app and be away. Can anyone see any issues with this?
I use the combo of Chromecast and Fire TV Stick for some of those services as you mention.

Chromecast handles BT Sport (when I had it at least), Netflix, Now TV, Google Play Movies/Music and Youtube. Fire TV stick basically just for the Amazon stuff, don't use either blinkbox or all4/4od so not sure what they're like.

I prefer the way the Chromecast works, and the interface on the Fire TV stick is a little slow/laggy, but overall they both do the job. Both use CEC and are hooked up to my amp so it's easy to switch between them. I would wait until the next sale event for the Fire TV stick though, it'll almost certainly be down to £19 again, guessing black friday though which is a bit far away?
I think I am write in saying I can then get an Amazon Tablet, sideload the Chromecast app and be away. Can anyone see any issues with this?

I've had a look on the amazon website and it appears Ivan only get the functionality to "cast" amazon instant video content to the fire tv stick from an amazon fire tablet. Now according to google I can sideload the play store and get chromecast functionality as well, but id rather get a nexus 9 tablet.

Can I do the opposite and side load something from amazon onto the nexus tablet toget the functionality i am after?
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