Is there a game like this..?

4 Sep 2005
Similar style game to Oblivion, think its RPG. But NOT with all the elves and dragons and what have you :p

I really liked Freelancer, but felt it was sort of restricted not being able to get out of your spacecraft.

So basically i'm after a SCI-FI Rpg? Not sure if theres anything like that..

Thanks :)
SWG until they raped it from behind with a stupidly sharp stick.


I haven't even played kotor, just suggesting because I think that's about the only thing around like it.
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KOTOR - Knights Of The Old Republic

EXACTLY what you're after. Think Oblivion in the Star Wars universe. And it's an amazing game!
CSGAS said:
KOTOR - Knights Of The Old Republic

EXACTLY what you're after. Think Oblivion in the Star Wars universe. And it's an amazing game!

Its not exactly Oblivion in Star Wars universe as you cannot just do what you want, you cannot steal, cant go dark, cant kill who you want

but still good game nevertheless
Solac said:
Its not exactly Oblivion in Star Wars universe as you cannot just do what you want, you cannot steal, cant go dark, cant kill who you want

but still good game nevertheless
Well, you *can* go dark. :D
Hostile17 said:
If you haven't played it then the original Deus Ex.

Agreed. You can do more or less whatever the hell you want on it, and you get gadgets and weapons and stuff. Good game. Loved it. Still ok graphics for todays standards too.
If you want a spacebased combat game similar to Freelancer but so you can get out of your ship, you could always try Universal Combat. Land, Sea, Air and Space, its quite hard to get used to but its a decent game when you get into it.
I personally found KOTOR2 unplayable, perhaps i should have spent more time on it. Deus Ex, wow, what a compelling game. Don't agree about the graphics anymore though, trying to get it to run properly on my x800 was a mission and then it made my eyes bleed!
I want a signal player game like EVE Online and i can land on planets. X3 planets are rubbish, there no better then static backdrops but eve is all real 3d and you can go round the planet in wrap. and i prefer the warping with it's beautifel graphics instead of the boring jumpgates in x3. In EVE i feel like i'm travelling round the universe, in x3 i'm not
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