Is there a tool to convert old vbs programs to run on latest version?

27 Jul 2015
Asking on behalf of a friend here. He used Visual Basic about 15 / 20 years ago to write some small programs. Now current versions of the software use different technologies including .Net, and they will not work with the programs he wrote all those years ago.

Is there a tool to convert the old code to run on the newer version of Visual Basic?
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Visual studio will attempt to convert old projects but if really old is likely to need some manual Intervention. Depending on what it is it might be easy enough to convert to C#
Thanks for the suggestion. I'm going to pass that onto him, or easier just give him the thread link. I'm not sure how familiar he is with C#.
I seem to recall when I moved from vb6 to visual basic net there was a converter application. I don't know of it still exists but I coverted a few of my poorly coded vb6 applications to vb net at the time. I can't remember if they worked. Most of my applications were simple text manipulation things with forms so were easily re-written in vb net anyway.
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