Is there an oblivion demo?

There never was a Morrowind demo, and the same may apply to Ob. The nature of the game means that really only the opening character generation part could be used. A dungeon crawl elsewhere might be possible, but they'd need to add weapons and armour for you.

If you like RPG's, you'll like it. i like it and i'm not an RPG person!

Plus, It will look special on that rig in your sig ;)
It's different. There is sneaking in Oblivion if you want it, but there's a lot more. But sneaking won't win the game (or the main quest at least) so some stand-up fighting will be needed.

And yes, it's first-person.

Doubt there'll ever be a demo given the sheer size of the game. It's hard just to focus a demo on a specific area because theres so much more to it then that.

The game is brilliant put it that way. I've seen RPG bashers converted by Oblivion, yet I still rate Morrowind higher in some places. Oblivion isn't perfect by no means but given the state of games at present - Oblivion obliterates them all by a

Go onto any gaming site/forum and there's people talking about this game. They're doing it for a reason...
A demo would do more harm than good. You'd have to limit it to a dungeon or the starter sewer, and you'd totally miss out the point of the game - the freedom to do what you want and make the kind of character you want.
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