Is there an OcUK WoW guild thats doing end-game insta?

This will be the death of wow, loads of people i know have just given up on the game because they can't find good guilds or the fact that 1 or 2 muppets can ruin it for everyone in the raid.

anyway good luck finding a guild.
Yeah being in a good guild is pretty much the only way to play the end game succesfully.

There are good guilds around that dont have draconian raid rules but you have to go and find them, they wont come and find you.

Stand out from the crowd... be mature and learn fast and be nice. Eventually you will get into a good guild.
TBH this is the whole stigma behind W.o.W

if U r not in a guild with a lot of high level regular players

then U have NO chance of playing after endgame
Thing is, the way the game's designed is the problem, it's causing this on a major scale and the guys running the show seem oblivious to it. Wait until there are more quiters than new players and the money pot starts drying up, something may get done about it then. At the moment they seem more than happy to let paying customers go.
well i m in such guild right now, but they all speak swedish...:(

jst want to get on a guild that ppl can speak and type english
With the new 5-man rules on level 60 instances, its even harder to have successful runs now on the 'casual' instances. Before, doing a 10man Baron/Strat/whatever was easy enough with PuGs as tactics weren't too important.

Now, 5 man only makes runs more difficult, and getting one fool/n00b/tool in your group makes things really really tough. I NEVER do PuG's since 1.10, I just rely totally on my guild for any party based instance.
Slinwagh said:
If there are enough people on here who are struggling for a guild maybe they should make one?

they wont all be on the same server though so they cant.
totally agreed i m trying to lvl up my alts and got a 60 alt need pre MC gears and the Onyxia quest chain, so many bad player around even tho my server is one of the oldest
wtf you expect when players got total annonimity(spelling?) from their mains.
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Paramount said:
Hixxy, do you play orc rogue on neptulon?

Nope i no longer play, guild broke up due to people quitting/inactive and i really couldn't be bothered to look for another aq40 guild. i had a 60 nelf rogue a 60 epic undead mage and a 60 epic tauren druid and most the other classes to lvl 50ish all on different servers. Mage was my main. Played since beta till about 1.5 month ago.

To be honest things like the blink bug (amongst others) got to me when i found they had no intention of doing anything about them.paying for a game with that many bugs and 0 fixes from year to year no thx.

defo won't be going back but i'm keeping the account for now just in case hellgate is going to be later than expected :)
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pc-guy said:
well i m in such guild right now, but they all speak swedish...:(

jst want to get on a guild that ppl can speak and type english

Hehe I played on Shattered Hand for ages where 99% were Swedish..
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