Is there an official name for these granny trolley things? *pic*

3 Jan 2004

Is there a proper name for those? I need to research into them but don't actually have a name to search for
Tartan Intercontinental Transportation System.

*A quick hint to those thinking about purchasing one of these ..... Never ever run along with your Tartan Intercontinental Transportation System in front of you (making racing car noises) full to the brim with you mam's shpping. You will inevitably hit a raised paving stone which will stop you dead in your tracks, flip you straight over and leave you trying to pick up apples and other spherical shaped food stuff which are making their way down a busy main road whilst motorists are shouting obsenities at you :D
CChrisca said:
try 'shopping trolley' :rolleyes: :)

dont try and use logic here boy.. i see your roll eyes and raise you a nosehair..

everyone knows what shopping trolleys look like.. thats not one!

that is categorically an old biddy bag mit wheels
Now .....if they can incorporate that into a zimmer ........ who want's to make a million?

OCC f.t.w..
They are indeed shopping trolleys, anyone who says different is a fool. My mum used to have one when I was a mere laddy.

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