Is there any bad sides to buying a washing machine with a large load capacity ?

I presume by downside you're refering to energy consumption/wastage?
Just wondering if there any downsizes at all when putting small loads like you would normally put in a 6kg washing machine...

As I would only be washing large stuff like bedding etc a few times a month..
And maining using it for the smaller normally loads two or three times a day..
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We bought one of the large capacity Samsung machines a few weeks back. If you look at the instructions, you're only supposed to load it up to its maximum weight capacity on certain programmes.
I just looked at the instructions for the 12kg Samsung washing machine

It is a washer dryer, the load capacity quoted will be the drying capacity, not the wash capacity.

The very nature of a washer dryer means you can't dry as much as you can wash.

I would only ever recommend a washer dryer if you don't have the room for separate machines.
Both of them ones I quoted are washing machines only...;)

They don't make a 12kg washer dryer..( of what I know of or seen)
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