Is there any way to get a trial for WOW?

18 Aug 2004
Leeds, UK
Heard so much hype about this game and I want to try it for myself but it says the trail period has now finished. I don't want to buy it and then find out I don't like it, so is there any other way?
Not that i no of, maybe try downloading lineage and if you like that then im sure you will like WOW, basically the same game style.

And you can download the full game free and play on patched servers for free also, but it might be illegal but im not sure, sorry if it is :P


EDIT oh well DaveyD posted a second before me, and i didnt no about that trial, but hey, thats cool ;)
Not a clue, I don't play or want to play that silly game, just found the link for you as I saw it yesterday ;)
I got that trial! Been playing it for the past 3 days and I'm hooked :D

WARNING: YOU WILL WANT TO PLAY THIS GAME. Be prepared that once you start you'll go and buy it :p

You sign up for an account and put in all the details you'll use for the billing BUT they won't charge you. You then spend ages downloading the 2.75GB game. Once thats finished, just login with your account name and password (There's 2 patches at this point. Very small ones) and your on! Simple as that :)

If you want to continue the trial to the full game, you'll have to buy a retail copy of the game and use the authentication key on the account settings page. This activates your account and removes the restrictions from the trial account :)
Downloading the 2.75gb file now, it just asked me for my e-mail, sent me a game key and I am downloading it through the warcraft downloader, game sounds good :D
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