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Is There Any Way To Test If A CPU Is Working Properly..?

8 Sep 2015
I've just built myself a new rig:

Intel i7 6700K
Asus Maximus Ranger VIII
16GB of DDR4

When I first started it up it POSTed fine but when the display appeared it was in the top half of my telly screen only with the bottom part being black. It's basically showing the whole screen squished into half the space.

My original plan was to use the iGPU until I can afford to get a meaty GPU in May next year.

Have bunged my old 4870 into it and it shows the whole screen area.

But is there any way of determining if my CPU is at fault or my motherboard..? Or if it's only the iGPU that's not working..?

Thanks in advance for any help! :D
Just install an OS as normal, it sounds like just a bug at the bios resolution - see what it's like at the desktop.

Normally, if the CPU posts fine it's ok.
Forgot to say that I did that and Windows was appearing squished into half the screen too.

When Windows 8 started the resolution was set at 800x600 and wouldn't go any higher. The info button on my telly remote showed that my telly display was 1080i.

There must be an equivalent of Memtest for CPUs, surely..?

Edit: Well that was weird. I went into the BIOS, had a look at the GPU settings and changed it from Auto to iGPU. Pressed F10 and when it reset the screen was halved still. Windows was halved, I started to swear and it went full screen lol

A bit weird, you would have thought that it would go to the iGPU setting automatically if there isn't a discrete GPU installed. Very odd. Oh well, it's sorted out now!
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But if you still want to check your CPU do that with OCCT. Once you download / install / run on the CPU tab & set:

• duration 10min.
• idle periods 0 at the beginning & end
• 32bits or 64bits - if you running x64 Windows
• set Large Data Set - for detecting errors
• set number of threads you have in your CPU - set 8

Press green button [ON] and wait till finish. If the test stops before specified time means OCCT has detect the error. Run it again with the same settings - if the error stop the test again it means:
CPU faulty
OC too high
or Overheat.

On GPU: 3D Tab you can check your iGPU, or GPU also :) And couple of other functions there :)

You can also run Prime95 program for full CPU stress test :)
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A bit weird, you would have thought that it would go to the iGPU setting automatically if there isn't a discrete GPU installed. Very odd. Oh well, it's sorted out now!

Good stuff. I'd still probably update the BIOS if you're not on the latest though, sounds like a fault.
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