Is there anything I can get to improve my current PC?

7 Mar 2006
Basically at the moment it's a:

AMD Athlon X2 3800+

Asus A8N-E Motherboard


Two hard drives, one 40gb, one 80gb. I think they are both maxtor. Pretty old though.

Radeon X1800XT 256mb

What's my best thing to do for the best ratio of price to improvement, or should I just leave it as it is. Mainly I want to play Oblivion.
Liggs said:
{snip}Two hard drives, one 40gb, one 80gb. I think they are both maxtor. Pretty old though{snip}
Loose the Maxtor & pick up a Seagate 7200.10. My Maxtor's started acting up lately :( You can use them for back-up & that's what mine is doing, but for day-to-day use don't trust them!
That system is still pretty good! To be honest, I would just hang fire now until Vista is released and DX10 cards are available. Then treat yourself to a whole new shabangle of a system.
ask yourself the one important question, does it play oblivion already to an acceptable standard? if yes then leave it :)

if the answer is no then id wonder why tbh as thats a more than decent enough spec PC to play it really, ok i would agree with #2 comment, maybe the hdd's are a bit aged, especially as you can pick up a very good 250gig+ sata2 drive for a really decent price, that would probably affect loading times from hdd a lot from what you have currently

To be honest I've got a pretty good processor, but I haven't got the first clue about overclocking anything. I've tried to learn but I can't seem to understand it. I'm not dumb with computers or anything, maybe I'm just looking in the wrong place.

I think I'll get a couple of new hard drives though, as you said.
A fast hardrive helps in Oblivion without doubt, when galloping on a horse thru woods or grasslands then the drive has to keep snatching data as you go along & you can get hesitations & stuttering regardless of your graphic card etc. With tweaking I have all but totally eliminated this .

I have Oblivion loaded on both my drives, a 74gig raptor & a maxtor 80
& the raptor is a heck of a lot better for games that need constant access to the drive without a doubt .
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