is there still a COD scene ?

21 May 2009
I wondered if anyone could advise me is there still active cod scene on the PC?
I've not played for years and I've lost touch with people that i used to play with.
Is cod still through steam if not what replaced it?
If it does have a active scene, are there any leagues, prodmod,PAM
Which cod is played (fingers crossed cod2 or 4 :) )
On PC its via battlenet only at the moment, not on steam for the latest cold war/

I play on it and plenty of people. I use a gamepad however which I am fine with as you can do crossplay as my friends all have consoles. Plenty of people and matchs are quick to find.
I don't think there is a pro scene like that for cod anymore, none worth getting into. Its all about warzone and hosting tournaments on open public lobbies and not actually against each other. A terrible concept which doesn't work at all.

There has been no mod tools for ages so no match mods and also lack of dedicated servers.
Frankly the cod S&D scene has been dead since after cod 4. World at war wasnt match ready on release as the maps were shocking, so people went back to 4.

cod now only uses quickmatch style matchmaking, as there are no dedicated servers, S&D is 6v6 not 5v5. You can create custom lobbies, but the tickrate is awful, worse than the matchmaking games which compared to other games are also awful.

Back in cod 4, match mods removed things like the skorpion for being insanely broken and having no recoil. Modern cod thats called a meta and is left alone for far too long.

If you want 5v5 defusal gametype. Cs go or Valorant is your best bet.
plenty play cod mw in various modes. as for leagues ladder comps and such mainly it just for fun.

battlenet is what people use or discord to communicate whats being played. snd is decent on modern warfare i just mainly play cyber attack with my lot now. which is kinda a fun version of s and d. banter is hillarious at times.

battalion devs are remaking promod as we speak. been playing it recently.
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