Is this a good deal?

1 Nov 2003
Hi there,

Been offered it for £250 good condo, i added it up retail on some sites and its over £500


Heres a picture to demonstrate:


Thanks, Carl :)
Surely knowing the retail price alone will tell you if its a good deal or not?

Music forum, btw ;)
Indeed move to music.

But on another note i would say it wasnt a bad package at all (FOR THE PRICE).

Not experienced the mixer myself but i think Badaxe had one of these?, cant remember personally. But looking at reviews it seems to be pretty solid.

Has 4 channel aswell, even though you prob wont use 4 channel tis always nice to know you have the option.

The T80's dont seem too shabby from what i know, obviously nothing mazing on the other hand, but for the price asking i would certainly go for them!

I am sure there are people on here who have had experience with both Behringer and Stantons as i havent.

Anyway on retail that package would set you back £500, so half the price :)

You DJ'ed before of first setup, as i had the same trouble not too long ago about what to buy!

i have one of the mixers and seeing as its £130 new i think £250 for the lot is a bargain

the mixer isnt fantastic, one of the faders is already crackling and it does feel cheap, but its 4 channels and 3 way EQ with booth, master and tape output and built in FX (albeit not very good ones) means for the price you cant expect it to be a pioneer or A&H

unless you really need 4 channels (which i did), go for a similarly priced 2 channel mixer :)

you'll need to take into account buying all your vinyls now ;)
Dark_Injection said:

Hundreds of pounds gonme wihin weeks :P .... so be warned if you get into it :D

It's already hit me! Little money machines they are ££££ :p

Anyway i got them! WELL worth the money. Even if they were in the centre of London! ;)


2 x Stanton T80 Turntables // Behringer DJX700 Mixer // Ortofon Concorde Pro S



Current retail price is £568.99 on DJkit - Paid 250 and also the bloke was kind enough to give me a demonstration, showed me where he DJ's, and gave me some free viynl and another 4 channel mixer which i gave to my dad. So very happy indeed!

The Decks are great but like smiley said, the mixer is good for the money but has small defects.
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You got a good deal mate.

the concordes alone are worth a pretty penny.

hope u have fun with em :)
Looks pretty good. :D

My experience of Behringer equipment hasn't been the best, and I'd recommend buying another one at some point. But if it's working fine then who cares. Good deal. :D
naffa said:
Looks pretty good. :D

My experience of Behringer equipment hasn't been the best, and I'd recommend buying another one at some point. But if it's working fine then who cares. Good deal. :D

the mixer i had was spot on, however i never punished it. So it might mess up..

but nvm :D
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