Is this a waste of time and money?

22 Nov 2010
Hey all,

I have a gaming PC that consists of a 5800x and b550 strix-F and patriot viper 4 blackout 3200mhz 2x8gb.

I'm looking at getting a 3600mhz kit, and come across the G.skill trident Z neo's
Would it be a waste to change out my current ram for a set or two of these trident Z neo kits?

I use my PC for gaming at 1440p but also stream and record at the same time.

If you are gaming and streaming then I would say upgrading to a 3600MHz kit that is 32GB would be the route to go. DDR4 kits are very well priced at the moment.
If you are going for a 16GB kit that is slightly faster i.e. 3600 vs 3200, then you're spending a lot for a few percent improvement in FPS.

I cannot comment on the G.skill trident Z neo specifically, but to me ram is more or less all the same (all this Samsung B-Die stuff I'm not too fussed about). I'd just buy a 32GB 3600Mhz kit with good timings from a well renowned brand. This is my plan anyway :).
Thanks, I'll make the jump then.

Would I be better getting 2x 16gb kits or a single 32gb kit?
Ram timings and stuff go straight over my head if I'm honest, I heard the trident neo was Ryzen specific to that's the reason of looking at it
Try and go for a kit with A lower CAS value as possible as ryzen loves low latency ram. CAS 16 or lower is good
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