Is this Ballistix Ram faulty? pic inside

28 Nov 2002
Its the Dreaded Crucial Ballisitx 2x1gb pc4000 variety

Ive ran a full memtest for 5hrs+ and the errors only appeared during test4

so i`ve ran a few loops of test 4 and i`m now up to 36 errors in 1 1/4hrs

i`ve provided a photo as I dont fully understand what it all means, so if someone could shed some light i can get this RMA`d (unless i`m doing something wrong heh)


thanks in advance
well its coming up with errors at the memory point 186.2MB and has every time you've ran the standard test. i'd say its probably RMA time, however i'd double check by using them another computer if possible?
also what voltage are they running at?
there set at 2.8v but its showing actual of 2.88v

i could test them in my main pc but i`d rather not go through all the hassle as its sat in a p180 case with an xp120 heatsink, so it would be a bit of a ball ache to swap them over
JBuk said:
there set at 2.8v but its showing actual of 2.88v

i could test them in my main pc but i`d rather not go through all the hassle as its sat in a p180 case with an xp120 heatsink, so it would be a bit of a ball ache to swap them over

Rma them and when you receive your next set run them at a vdimm of 2.5,I'm currently on my 3rd set,the previous sets I also ran at 2.8 vdimm and they soon died.

My current set have already lasted much longer than the previous 2 and I'm sure this is due to the reduced vdimm of 2.5 I've been running them at.
i think i will RMA them back to crucial , im getting errors in the memtest for windows also
Before you RMA, try setting the timings to auto (If you have a DFI NF4 board auto should be 3,3,3,8 instead of the SPD 3,4,4,8) and retry memtest. I was in the same situation and this sorted it out.
don;t waste your time, just rma the memory, the failure rate of ballistix 1 gig sticks is high enough to warrant no other testing.
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