Is this corner parking illegal?

31 Jul 2004
Quick question for those in the know..

Is the parking in this picture legal? Its certainly inconsiderate but is there anything I could do to encourage him to stop it?


I had it in my head that parking on a corner was iffy.. it certainly makes navigating the road very tricky.. you can see to the left of the white merc there is a road into another cul de sac so when this guy parks right on the corner (and I mean right on it with pavement underneath his car but both wheels on the road sometimes he's on the apex so much) it makes getting in and out of our road very difficult.

Which I guess isn't much of an issue for this guy because his permit shows he lives over the road and down another street which I would be a massive hypocrite for complaining about as I've had flats etc in the past where I've had to park miles away BUT this acts effectively as a road block creating a blind corner when leaving and making getting into the estate very tricky.

It looks like the rear passenger side has already been whacked by something passing him there (nice big dent and scratch) although it could have happened elsewhere.. that said anything like a bin lorry or decent sized delivery van would struggle to get round without either mounting the pavement or driving into him.

So.. other than being a PITA and very inconsiderate, is there anything legally wrong with this?
Note on the windscreen asking politely wouldn't hurt if it's genuinely being a nuisance.

Yeah I guess.. that was my next step although like I say its irritating mostly.

Does he park there out of choice or is it simply the case that when he gets home this is the only space left to park in?

A bit of both, always parks on that little bit of road (it's a main road about 20m from the front of his car) but considering he's already not parking on the road he has a permit for there are plenty of other spots he could go to.. I suspect ours is the quietest cul de sac near him.
Like I said there's a big dent in that exposed corner already which is new, he's also missing the merc badge off the front and it's parked under an apple tree so he clearly doesn't give a stuff about something that I think is a decent car which makes it even worse.

Not going to get into stroppy notes.. if he's been hit once already I doubt it'll make any difference I just sort of hoped it may be illegal so there was no discussion :)
Maybe... I could be assuming too much here but like I said.. its almost new and its already parked miles from the house and half smashed up.

Its like a weird game of cat and mouse.. just as I get to the point where I think **** it I'm going to say something.. he parks further down the road in an entirely sensible fashion.

Then I calm down and the next day someone else has parked on that bit of street and there he is again making a space out of thin air.
I wonder what Theresa May would think of this! (my MP!)

Actually I never understand why the guy doesn't park right up behind the other car? Weirdo.
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