Is this cultural appropriation?

13 May 2003
Almost can't believe I'm posting this, but would you have this image as your WhatsApp / Facebook profile image, visible to employers and recruiters etc.? Or is it somehow frowned upon because I'm wearing a silly virtual Aztec head dress :cry:.

Cultural appropriation.............................. I consider myself a tolerant person and openly support a lot of the current things in the media that many would cry "woke " but cultural appropriation is one which is just too much for me to take seriously.

when a white person can get grief for having dreadlocks, or kids can be chastised for going to a fancy dress party i draw a line.

imo so long as you are not wearing something obviously inappropriate which is actively designed to cause offence (incredibly skimpy clothes, or a certain pointy white hat for instance) or something which is designed to deliberately take the **** out of a minority group then I say fill your boots.****

**** that being said I am semi regularly accused at work of not being professional so on your head be it.
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