Is this even worth messing with?

I sincerely doubt you'd get it to work. Rough maths off the top of my head, you'd need a minimum internal clearance of 51mm to get the board and cooler in. Calculation is based on Noctua NH-L9i cooler (37mm tall), Intel standard LGA z-height (7mm), ATX spec PCB thickness (rounded up to 2mm) and 6mm mounting standoffs. You'd probably need a couple more mm so the CPU fan isn't wedged directly against the internal roof of the case, too.

Is the C128 even that thick?

Also, Mini ITX boards are 170x170mm, so that's likely to be too long for the back half of the C128 case.

There are options though, you can go smaller with STX boards or thinner with Thin ITX boards and use lateral coolers with heatpipes, rather than a traditional unit sat atop the CPU. Anything is possible, but you're likely looking at paying a mental premium in components to make this work.

But if you can get that C128 for a price you're comfortable writing off if it isn't viable, then by all means grab it, gut it and measure it. I'd be quite excited to bounce ideas off you :)
Well, it would be awesome, but I figured it prob. won't work. Now a XBox 1 would be a cool pc. that is a good vid. What will a mITX MB & a gpu on a riser measure. The XBox 1 is 12 inches wide.
A chunky triple-slot GPU can go over 50mm thick, 2-slot coolers are about 36mm. But you also need to consider length too. The Xboxne may be 12 inches wide (roughly 300mm), but it's only about 8 inches long, which will greatly limit the cards you can use.

In fact, that Linus video pretty much shows you exactly what you can fit into the Xbone chassis.
Hmmm, that means double slot cards are 1.41732 inches & motherboards are prob less, a XBox is 4 inches tall. Seems like a SFX could go under/over the GPU, they did act like it got cramped though, maybe I am missing something? God, I want to make it work out, it would be awesome. How much space is needed for a sandwich style case?
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A TFX/FlexATX psu would go good. If I could put the MB & GPU on a sandwich style tray a SFX would go. A 2 slot GPU is 1.50 inches right? A MB has to be the same height.
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