is this good price / worth it for me?

27 Aug 2009
hey guys, someone local selling a unopened tx650m corsaid gold psu for £60

im looking at building a 2700x - 2070/2080 build soon something along them lines obviously with the annoucments instore etc

is 650w good enough for me? i will be doing very minimal oc

i was originally advised a seasonic 650w in a different thready which was around £95

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £193.98 (includes shipping: £0.00)​

Heres a photo of it.

I havnt ever bought a psu so wouldnt know if its unusual or not. Certainly looks and feels quality product but not opened it up yet aswell.

Does b grade mean refurbished or used or something?

Thanks for the response tho im still learning a lot here hah
Ah well its done now it is what it is...

Just gtta decide on the rest of the build now. Really dont want to wait till 7/7 for new cpu etc 2700x coming round the 200mark soon might just on and get that
As a rule of thumb it of course is always best not to buy anything thats being re-sold because you never know what someones been doing with it , and in the case of PSUs you should take a look where the screws are....any scratches and such , if there are any...send it back .

Thanks pal.

I have orderd my build now. Will make sure to give the psu a good going over before i install it does look pretty decent from the outside tho haha
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