Is this how to build a soak away under a concrete slab?

14 Jan 2025

As per the picture really...

I'm creating a 4' by 16' concrete slab that I am sloping away from the garage but it's going against the slope of the garden which runs towards the garage. After digging down 5"-6" from my final height (under garage DPC) Im left with an area of stones that is at least a couple of feet deep, and clay. The area doesn't drain when it rains. Does the image show the correct procedure to add a soakaway crate?


Nb obv picture not to scale...

Well it looks like you're wanting to dig under the foundations? You're creating a weak point that will have water flowing into it.

Maybe I've misinterpreted the images, but digging under like this is how you'd underpin a building i.e. fill that void with concrete.

An annotated picture of the actual building would help...

Ah right I think i see what you mean. However, on the left is the garage wall with DPC marked. The concrete slab will be 15' long so the acu drain on the right will be over 14' away from the garage. The soakaway will be under this.
Not an expert but could you move the soakaway to the side and have a gutter at the end of the drive for it to be connected to?
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Not to Scale lol
In my mind in just moving 14' x 4' of rain and putting it back in the ground further away from the garage. Cant see how it can any worse than before !!

Actually the end blocks are exactly 196 inches away from the garage. which is 16'4".

Anyway, the post was really about the right way to do the soakaway, not where it was or what would happen.

Anybody got any comments on the actual process, thanks.
Last edited: inatallation details in here. A membrane to is important to wrap the crate.

Personally i wouldn't build your retaining wall on top of the soakaway, and i would provide a catchpit before the crate or some form of acceess hatch for maintenance.
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Thanks, there is certainly a lot of info there ! Maybe i need to place the soakaway further up the garden. There is certainly less rocks further up.
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