Is this level of IPS glow normal?

24 Feb 2020
This is my first IPS monitor (coming from MVA Acer) and I was shocked about the amount of IPS glow in the corners. After spending some time reading about it on the forums seems some level of IPS glow and bleed is normal but since there is not a standard acceptable level nobody can measure what is acceptable/excessive level of glow and bleed.

For me, when I work/watch movie in the dark the glow in the right upper corner disturbs me but I don't know if this level of glow is normal or I should return the monitor for a refund? I could order another example but what if the other one is worse?

During the daylight or when the background have any other color except black/dark gray the glow is not visible (although I know its there).

On the photos the first one is the most close to the level I see in reality (the camera have a tendency to make it look worse on the other 2 photos).

Would you accept this level of glow or you would try another monitor?
I don't think it's particularly uncommon for IPS screens to have that level of glow, the range of "normal" IPS glow is pretty big. I have 2x Dell 27" IPS displays (U2719D) and I went through returns/replacements multiple times before getting a level of glow I was happy with (and no dead pixels, and no banding), 4/7 had this level of glow or worse. Eventually I got ones with significantly less glow though, so I'm happy I pursued replacements.
Actually brightness is on 33%, I don't think its too much. Camera might exaggerate a little but the first photo is about 90% how my eyes see the glow in the dark. I can live with it but I'm not happy. If I know that I can get a better example I will return it and try another one. Point is every return is a hassle, I need it for graphic design and wanted to get a descent panel, its my first IPS monitor, so this type of glow was unknown to me.
I have an IPS monitor that has glow, as usual, that is only noticeable on a black screen, but it's nowhere near as bad as yours, and is only on the bottom corners.

Don't notice it at all, even when watching a 16:9 video (mine is a 21:9 screen).

I wouldn't be happy with that.
More and more I'm thinking to return it and try another one, the first one I returned was worse. I wanted to avoid the hassle of returning but if there is a chance to get a better example will try to exchange it. Thank you all for the answers, you helped me to decide what to do.
That is not acceptable in my book but a replacement may be just as bad or dare i say it worse it's pot luck really.another option is to go for a VA panel with there higher contrast performance and deeper blacks.
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