got raspberry pic zero yesterday, just the basic version with additional GTO USB adapter and mini hdmi-full hdmi adapter and the row of header pins I won't need just yet and after finding a micro sd card and eventually getting raspbian Jessie lite put on it then getting a powered hub earlier I plug it all in and not being used to this I guess the way it's designed it's instant acting as by the time I switched input on my monitor there was a bunch of writing and then automatically starting doing this??
If the image/link works(having issues with copy and paste on iPad) and since taking the picture it's on over 1200 and have no idea what it's doing or seeming to be able to use my wireless keyboard.
If the image/link works(having issues with copy and paste on iPad) and since taking the picture it's on over 1200 and have no idea what it's doing or seeming to be able to use my wireless keyboard.