Thinking about getting a motorbike next year and applying for a few quotes to get ideas, was expecting something <700 quid but the cheapest quote I got was 4000! is this normal for these circumstances?
How can I reduce these quotes? Which of the following would help the most
- Bike: Buell XB12S 2004, value 4000 quid
- me, 26, M, UK resident
- only just passed motorbike test
- car licence for 10 years
- living in west london
- bike on street
- no alarm, but disc lock
- no NCB (due to living abroad)
- currently own a motocross bike abroad although no insurance so doesn't count for much
How can I reduce these quotes? Which of the following would help the most
- ride something smaller for a year - 250cc?
- rent a garage and keep it in there
- put an alarm/immobilser on it
- do some advanced riding courses
- something else?