Is this normal?

29 Jun 2013
So I ordered a new system using the configurator just over a week ago and it arrived today.

The case I got is the Coolermaster 430 Elite.

Now I've just turned it on, and I've noticed a small crack in the top of the see-through side window. Also, the cpu cooler (prolimatech megahalems) appears to be at a bit of an angle, with the top dipping down towards the window. I guess I'm not worried too much about the crack, but is it okay for the cpu cooler to be positioned like this? I don't know if it was put like this originally, or if it has had a bumpy journey and slipped (and hit and cracked the window) while in transit.

The other thing is that this see-through window still has a plastic cover over it on the inside.. now there is no fan where the vents are in the window, but surely having them covered up can't be good?
And speaking of fans, there is only one (at the front). Is this okay? I always see around 3 in pictures, I don't know if it's just because my radeon takes up half of the case xd

One final thing, I've only just turned the computer on (and it's still at the windows set-up page) and the case started making a noise, vibrating a little, it stops when I touch it, but starts again shortly afterwards (although it hasn't started again since the last time I touched it). I'm worried that when actually start doing something on the computer, like gaming, this will get even worse..

I probably should have posted this in customer support, but I just wanted people's opinions on whether this is normal :(
Oh right. Well it didn't give the option for more in the configurator, otherwise I would have got them :/

Here are some pics I just took: (sorry it's hard to see because of the flash & the plastic inside)




Hi guys,

To answer your questions ScottiB:

1) There was no foam or any other sort of packing inside the case itself, other than the plastic sticker on the window you can see in the pictures (I haven't opened the case at all).

2) Yes, the system was in the case box and that was within another larger box.

3) There is no obvious damage to the outer box. One or two of the inner box corners are slightly crumpled, but nothing major.

4) There was no obvious damage to the polystyrene pieces, although I probably didn't pay too much attention to them in my eagerness to unwrap it!

I guess ways to prevent this would be, as you suggested - packaging the inside of the system with foam to stop components from moving about and to absorb shock. Also maybe if you labelled the boxes as 'fragile' the couriers would take more care? Or does it have to be glass or something for that :confused:

I called the customer services number at lunch time today (so I guess I don't need to submit it to the tech team?) and the person I spoke with arranged for it to be picked up tomorrow. He said that they would most likely just replace the system, but I've just noticed that in the RAM email I received he has put "desired action: repair". I would rather have the system just replaced, since I don't know if/how much damage has been done to the internal components (for example: In the 10 or so minutes I ran the system for, the graphics card crashed twice on the desktop when I wasn't even doing anything). Should I call again tomorrow and ask about this? I took this opportunity to ask to change the case model, so I guess they will have to rebuild it anyway, but I'm worried they will just re-use these components :s

Also, a somewhat unrelated question, so probably in the wrong section, but is it fairly straightforward to turn led case window lighting on and off? Is this switch function something the technicians would be able to install easily?
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