Is This Overclocking ?

17 Feb 2009
I was told it's impossible to OC on a A320 M-H but im sure I have ?

This is on my Rzyen 5 3600 ( OCd to 3.9ghz )
Done the RAM to 3000mhz from 2400mhz



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No leave it, if it's only the turbo it isn't an overclock.

So leave it at 3.89ghz ? Sorry but i'm new to ocing

I saw it change from 3.59 to 3.89 in W10 and assumed it would make it faster >?

I changed the clock speeds in the BIOS from 3.59 to 3.89
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Ok done some reading and now I understand.

Basically the CPU will boost to 4.2ghz if it needs to, but if you manually overclock the CPU to lower than 4.2ghz it overrides it and disables the boost ?
From what I have read in reviews the 3600 usually boosts to over 4Ghz on all cores anyway so you are probably losing performance by locking it at 3.89Ghz. Set it back to stock and monitor it's boost while loading the cpu. If you wanted to overclock you should have got a B450 motherboard. The A320 has way too many compromises which is why you rarely see anyone using one on here.
From what I have read in reviews the 3600 usually boosts to over 4Ghz on all cores anyway so you are probably losing performance by locking it at 3.89Ghz. Set it back to stock and monitor it's boost while loading the cpu. If you wanted to overclock you should have got a B450 motherboard. The A320 has way too many compromises which is why you rarely see anyone using one on here.

Ok dude thanks
I'd need a better cooler too right ?
Not bothered about oc just wanted to do some research into it
What about RAM then ? I'm happy to OC that a bit. I changed the freq from 2400mhz to 3000mhz

Ram is definitely worth overclocking with Ryzen, but it depends on what ram you own. If its possible to overclock to 3000mhz then definitely go for it
Ram is definitely worth overclocking with Ryzen, but it depends on what ram you own. If its possible to overclock to 3000mhz then definitely go for it

HyperX Fury 2400mhz 2 x 8GB

loks like ill stick to the standard CPU settings and let the PC do the boosting itself then thanks
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