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Is This Overkill

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16 Feb 2011
England, Swindon
Hi guys

After years of console gaming, I tried PC gaming and so what I was missing out.

My 30th is coming up soon, and my very rich girlfriend (well her mum mainly) said she will get me all the PC parts I need:

so what you guys think of this:

Rampage Extreme 4
I7 3930k
32Gb Ram 1600Mhz
Coolermaster cosmos 2
coolermaster 1200 watt psu
7990 x 2 (when they come out)
m4 ssd
revodrive 240gb
xonar d2x sound card

Would this be too much for gaming, and if so what could u do with this spec

Thanks in advance
16 Feb 2011
England, Swindon
Hi after a busy day, just logged on here to find out that some people are taking the p**s, may I ask why.

What is wrong on having a rich girlfriend and mother in law. I want the best, and we as a family can afford the best!

some may say that we have more money then sense, but in my mind we must have sense to run a successful business which I'm apart of?

As of right now I'm on a high, reason being my girlfriend and mother law gave me my birthday present (which is in 7 days time) early.

I always want the best, that's why my rig is always changing, I buy it, swap it, sale it, etc.

Now I'm even thinking of waiting for the EVGA SR-3, with two 8 core Xeon's. You may think its a waste of money, I love building PC's and having the best spec, also we are told by are bank (Coutts) to spend in certain ways to avoid tax, before people calling me a tax cheat, its aloud, tax evasion is not.

I will be posting pic's and videos, when I get the parts, and doing some benching, got some parts now just need to wait for the rest.

For those who have been taking the p**s: A present from my girlfriend and mother in law


What I got today for 30th, will be taking a pic of all the parts when I get them all, with this beast in the back ground.

By the way if you wanna now, that's the new Lamborghini Aventador drove this baby today on the M4 0-60 in 2.9 sec 0-100 in 3.2 sec, I did 170MPH today before getting a bit scared to honest a lot of power there. Shame about the color tho
16 Feb 2011
England, Swindon
U guys make me laugh, do u really think I care what is said about me on this forum. Be fair I'm use to it from being pc game hacker using aimbot it's so fun for watching people complain calling me names, the more abused the more I rage with aimbot.

I'm for sure I've played one of u guys on here and got under your skin on BF3, question is what u gonna do or really what can u do? Nothing!!

You people spend your hard eared money on all this top end hardware, but the world does not give a **** about pc gaming, those of u who paid £500 or £400 for a 7970 or 7950 need to get your brains checked!! Yippee I get a extra 15 fps but it cost me £500, I did this thread for fun and fun it has been my god.

Only idiots would pay that much money to play console ports on there pc, then I come long with aimbot and keep raging till everyone leaves. I can't wait for feed back on this it's been so fun.

I replied to this thread today and yesterday on my other account can anybody guess, please try it will be fun. Lucky hack sites provide ip address changer and mac address masks. Need it in games when aimbotting
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