Is this possible from a psu?

5 Jul 2005
I have a tagan 530w powering my rig as in sig except with a fx60 and a x-fi. The rails are always very stable according to mbm. This changes when i run a stress test. Normally the rails stay completely stable but every now and again a mbm alarm comes up saying 5v rail dropped to 2.17v. The 3.3v rail sometimes does similar. Thing is the comp doesnt crash or fail it stress test and the rails only drop for a split second. Is this likely or is mbm lying to me. Id have thought comp would crash immediately if 3.3 or 5v rails dropped that low
Thanks for quick responses guys. Its a tagan 530w (u22 model). 12v rail dropped for a split second to 5.17v earlier this morning - set mbm alarms off and woke me up
Can measure with a multimeter but it only happens for a split second and is random when it does so would have to sit there watching a multimeter screen for however long it takes
Its only ever done it when stress testing except this morning. Theres no dodgy connections though and theres not much in my system thats a power drainer. I might install ite smart guardian and see what that reports as im guessing it must be mbm as its got the dfi config (from dfi street) on it allowing it to run nf4
I was thinking it would be far more likely to my dfi xpert reporting wrong than the psu. As its in prime small ffts while its doing it id expect immediate crash or at least prime failure. Hasnt done it once today while stress testing and as far as i remember it never happened with my 3700 only dual cores. Cant be that 530w isnt enough power can it:

dfi xpert, ldt@ 1.3v, chipset @ 1.52v
fx60 @ 1.392v
2gb corsair ram @ 2.66v
2 dvd-rw drives
3 seagate hd
zalman fan controller so all fans are powered from a molex.

It did happen when i had an x800 in there too.
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