Is this possible?

15 Apr 2003
Basically i have my music folder with lots of different folders inside it representing albums. What i want to do is to create a text file or similar with all the names of the different albums without having to write each one in there individually.

Is this at all possible?
well, I certainly know both itunes and winamp will allow you to export their libraries as an XML file. So theoretically this should be possible with some form of XML transform or even some clever scripting.

Start > Run > CMD

at dos prompt cd to directory, eg
C:\> cd documents and settings\username\my music
C:\Documents and Settings\username\my music\> dir > Albums.txt

Obviously everything before the > you don't type, and i am guessing your CMD windows opens with c:\ at root, depending on where your CMD.exe is.

Any questions post back, it's as easy as that!
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