Is this possible?

10 Jun 2006
Scotland, Edinburgh
Like split the connection ..

I was wondering if it were possible to limit someones connection on my network? I have a 10 meg connection and have the router in my room. Would if be possible to limit their connection to say 1 meg?

Yeah limiting to certain apps would be an issue. I like the idea of the software approach, do you know any apps off hand?

If I were to go for another router would I be looking at spending a lot to get a specialised one?

I like the idea of using an old machine to do the job, plus it would give me a chance to brush up on some Linux. What ver. of Linux do you use yourself? There are so many it’s almost mind boggling.

If I were to use another machine to do the job of a router, would I have to dedicate it to this role? Also would i still need to use my Netgear router?

Yeah I wouldn't mind laying out the cash for a router, if it’s a lot less hassle than using a stand alone machine. Plus there is also the advantage that I won’t have to leave a machine on all the time and it won't take up as much room.
Hehe .. I leave my main rig on 24/7 as i use it as an ftp/share for movies/music etc.

I don't mind, its just if I can do the same thing with a relatively cheap router then it takes up less room and is less hassle, it seem like a wiser plan.
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