Is this radiator any good?

I've never seen that particular radiator befoire mate but if you're looking for decent watercooling then go for Thermochill and one of the PA series should do you fine!
I belive that radiator is reviewed over at

I would find you a link but atm there forum seems to be down.

But i seem to remeber it being identicle to a swiftech MCR220.

Certainly looks the same, i belive the PA series performed better, but i doubt it truly justifies the extra cost.
Yeah looks identical to the Swiftech 2x120 you can get from here.

I'm using one and I'm very pleased with it, good performance for a cheap rad :)
Looks a little like the BIX (Black Ice Xtreme) 120.2 i have a BIX 120.2 & 120.1 and the 120.2 is fantastic, i recommend that rather then a german thing ;)
will perform similar to all those mentioned above i imgaine, but so far from what i have found if u want the extra performance and are willing to spend a bit the thermochill PA120.2 is best in its class.
Its is important also to realise that there are many variables that will eventually dictate the best radiator for you, the PA series are designed to work with reasonably low CFM/Pressure, assming your using a low CFM/Pressure the PA will outperform an HE, use a more powerful fan and the HE can outperform the PA. The truth of the matter is, pretty much all 120 x 2 rads are more than capable of cooling the average PC. The difference in tempreatures will vary, but for the average overclocking i would assume it wouldnt be enough to notice or significantly ioncrease overclocks.
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