Is this RAM faulty?

30 Jun 2006
OK, I set up my new DFI Ultra-D 3000+ venice build. I couldnt wait for my RAM to come the next day so borwed some ballistix's of a mate, i installed XP fine. Next morning my GeIL Ultra PC4400 comes, I install and windows wouldnt load as it was missing a file, and couldnt boot even in safe mode. So i formatted hard drive and when installing windows on PC reboots! So i put in the ballistix RAM and windows installs fine! So is this RAM faulty or just incompapitbale with my DFI Ultra-D?
What are the voltages on the Geil? might need to up them, also did you clear the BIOS before switching the RAM? sometimes changing ram messes things up without a BIOS clear, may also need to set timings in accordance with RAM specs.
dfi mobo< you should have a option in the bios in genie page down the bottom for memtest enable>disable option

can you take pics somehow for memtest if found errors

OK guys the guys over at DFI street told me to run metest86 for at least 8-10hrs, so 2ngiht b4 i sleep I'll run it and take pics, when i changed the RAM I did the DFI complete CMOS clear for 24hrs ;) . Do you think I should put the RAM at 2.8v for it to run fine? I'll try that now, also Im off to a mate's house and see if this RAM will run in his system fine! Ill post pics tommorow :)
Hamoodii said:
OK guys the guys over at DFI street told me to run metest86 for at least 8-10hrs, so 2ngiht b4 i sleep I'll run it and take pics, when i changed the RAM I did the DFI complete CMOS clear for 24hrs ;) . Do you think I should put the RAM at 2.8v for it to run fine? I'll try that now, also Im off to a mate's house and see if this RAM will run in his system fine! Ill post pics tommorow :)

Try running at stock volts first, if that errors try more VDimm.

With the problems you're mentioning, you'll be erroring in Memtest, so an overnight run isn't really neccessary, just try looping test5 for a few minutes, you'll see errors usually on the first pass.

I went into BIOS settings and put the voltage up to 2.8v. However, last time *** RAM worked fine but when i started oc'ing it messedeverything up! So this time shall i put voltag settings and divider in BIOS and pump up FSB within windows with something like clockgen?

Also, I hope this isnt too much to ask but can anyone tell me what settings , like voltage etc in the BIOS, I mean there are so many settings!
At 2.8v windows boots but then restarts or go to blue screen, I put it 2.9v and wel see what happens. :)
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No the RAM speed is PC4400, but I've sold this RAM to a mate and im gonna get some OCZ Gold as I know they can handle high voltages ;)
Hamoodii said:

I went into BIOS settings and put the voltage up to 2.8v. However, last time *** RAM worked fine but when i started oc'ing it messedeverything up! So this time shall i put voltag settings and divider in BIOS and pump up FSB within windows with something like clockgen?

Also, I hope this isnt too much to ask but can anyone tell me what settings , like voltage etc in the BIOS, I mean there are so many settings!

DFI say not to use Clockgen, something to do with killing your motherboard possibly. You have been warned.

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