Is this sensible and reasonable

18 May 2004
Lincoln, Uk
I'm 19, and have had my license for 4 months, I've been insured on my mums car as a named driver since I passed, I'm hopeing to here back on a job I'm trying to get at the moment, now if I get it, I'll need my own car to get to it (its about 20 miles away), and anyway when I'm earning money I would want my own car anyway :)

Been looking around at cars and insurance, I can't seem to make insurance dip below a grand, I guess this is probabaly quite normal for someone of my age who has only been driving for a few months?, anyway, been looking around, and it seems you can get something like a xsara 1.4 with quite a few 'toys' for about £1600, and from the few places that I've checked around for insurance, the best I can find is admiral, who want £1140 TPFT for me as main driver and both parents as named drivers.

1) would you consider this quote reasonable, or is it silly?
2) are there any other cars I should look at instead to get insurance lower? (I'd be quite flexable, but I don't want to go into the realm of wind up windows... and rust buckets)
3) would you consider a xsara 1.4 a 'sensible' car for someone my age to drive?

EDIT: also they ask about modications, does anyone know whether they'd likely want to add much on if I was to replace a tape radio, with an mp3 radio?
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I would say the quote is possibly a little (and I mean only a little) on the high side, but then again that would depend entirely on your postcode it would seem from recent threads.

Its certainly not a bad quote though. And its definately a sensible choice in car!
Try removing your dad from the policy with Admiral ;) They tend to like older female drivers rather than older male drivers ;)

That doesn't sound too bad for only 4 months experience. Plus your postcode will have a lot to do with it if you're in a high-risk area!

Xsara is a very sensible car - it's fundamentally the same car as a Pugeot 306, but with different body panels and badge, and about half the cost! ;) The 1.4 may be a little slow, you may well find the 1.6 or the 1.9 diesel aren't that much more to insure, but will provide better performance :)

No doubt [TW]Fox will be here soon to go on in more depth into how good a Xsara is ;)
ConfusedTA said:
Try removing your dad from the policy with Admiral ;) They tend to like older female drivers rather than older male drivers
tried it with and without, having him on it makes it cheaper by a little (only by a little though)

That doesn't sound too bad for only 4 months experience. Plus your postcode will have a lot to do with it if you're in a high-risk area!
Think I looked at the thing in the sticky, and the whole city is somewhere low to mid risk, 2a rings a bell, postcode = LN4

Xsara is a very sensible car - it's fundamentally the same car as a Pugeot 306, but with different body panels and badge, and about half the cost!
yeah, i've seen that posted on here, and cost would have a higher effect on my choice than the exact shape, etc (I have a penny pinching nature :p )

The 1.4 may be a little slow, you may well find the 1.6 or the 1.9 diesel aren't that much more to insure, but will provide better performance :)
Tested the quote with a 1.9TD and it was quite a bit higher, not sure if it was to do with the one I picked to test it on was an estate (been looking through auto trader and putting details of them in, what causes trouble is I can't always match it properly, eg I can do a 1.4i forte on the insurance thing ok, but say a 1.4i LX, there isn't a lx on the insurance thing, theres an LXi, but I think that would be different, otherwise forte would be fortei ?)

No doubt [TW]Fox will be here soon to go on in more depth into how good a Xsara is
I'm pretty sure it was his posts that had me looking into them :)

Now I just have to hope I have some luck with getting this job :eek:
Have you tried elephant, they can do my (18, 1yrs driving, no ncb) insurance for £800 while most places want over £1300. Don't know why, but proves that you need to really look around.

Also if you have any teachers in the family, or other jobs like that try adding them as a named driver. It can really bring the price down.

An MP3 player isn't a mod, so don't even mention it. Plus put the annual mileage a little bit on the low side, not stupidly low but no point paying extra for miles you won't be doing.
Pass pluss, parents on policy, try elephant. 1.4 will be a little slow, try the 1.9TD, itd what i was aiming for when i first passed.
I dont know much about the car you have been looking, but as my first car I have just bought a 96 VW Polo 1.4 CL for £1400. I have insured it fully comp with zero excess, guaranteed car hire and legal cover for £297 inc monthly payment interest. This was through Direct Line. I have home insurance and the Mrs has her car insurance with them so i got my car registered in her name (as the registered owner) and insured it as her second car with me as a named driver. I can still, as a named driver, build up my own NCB with Direct Line.

Im willing to bet you can get your insurance well under a grand if you try something similar. Only differences being I am older than 25 and I get a slight discount for 1 home and 2 car policies with Direct Line.
I managed £700 TPFT at 18 with 0 NCB on a Phase 2, 1.6 306 (virtually same as the xsara) but i do have a good postcode. Endsleigh are particularly good if you are still in college.
ConfusedTA said:
Try removing your dad from the policy with Admiral ;) They tend to like older female drivers rather than older male drivers ;)

I thought this would be true too. However, adding my Dad onto the policy made it go down more than when I added my Mum on!

Elephant got me my cheapest quote. Tried Direct Line (extortionate), Nationwide (little less extortionate), Admiral (Reasonable), Diamond (:o) and Elephant which finally got me a quote of £1,600. Direct Line quoted me £2,500..
richolmes72 said:
Endsleigh are particularly good if you are still in college.

I finished sixth form last summer, and I'm currently unemployed :o , but the job I'm trying to get is for an apprentice electrician, which would entail me spending some of the time at the local college
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