Is this sig acceptable?


A signature may contain one or more images but they must fit within a box with maximum dimensions of 400 x 75 pixels (width x height) and with a maximum (combined) file size of 20k.

Images containing mostly very large words or animated .gifs will not be permitted. You may also add 1 consecutive lines of normal or smaller text directly above or underneath the image with no spaces inbetween image and text.

If no images are used then up to 4 consecutive lines of normal or smaller text is permitted. Do not pad out your text lines with blanks lines. A line of text is defined as having a maximum length of 400 pixels.
Which one of those rules is it breaking though?

A suggestion on how to make it acceptable would be good, rather than a copy paste of the sig rules, thanks

edit: the image is 350 x 19 and there are 3 lines of size 1 text, am i right in thinking even if the image height is 19, im still only limited to 1 line of text?

Overall my sig dimensions are clearly smaller than the above?
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Sorry that I didn't explain the already extremely clear rules regarding signatures to you. TO be fair you should have read and understood the rules before joining.

If there's an image of any kind there must be only 1 line of text.
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