Is this sound set up possible?

7 Dec 2007
Basically I would like the following

1) Only my clanmates squeeky nerdy voices coming through external speakers e.g. monitor speakers. (ventrillo)


2) In game sounds only coming through my headset


3)Headset mic working (ventrillo)

Been thinking if this was possible for a while, I am sure it must be, but I have finally go to the point where I hate when I am playing COD or CSS and I cannot hear my in-game sounds over my clanmates talking, or my in game sounds interrupt something important being said over comms.
Is such a thing possible? If so how please? Because for the life of me I cannot figure it out.

Setup - See Sig.

If this is possible but with further hardware being required, or is it maybe possible with a USB headset? please say.

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I've done this with Teamspeak instead of ventrillo - using my X-Fi and onboard.

set it up so you have headset plugged into the Auzentech and monitor speakers plugged into onboard sound (make sure it's on in the Bios and all that).

Then just leave the default sound device as the Auzentech and in vent change the output device (Setup>Output Device) to the onboard speakers.

That should work, I've not tried it though, and don't have the exact same setup as you.
i managed that on my laptop and audigy 2 zs notebook, plugged my head set into the laptop mic and speaker ports so just TS was in my ear then all game sounds on the speakers through the ZS
I have optical OUT from the soundcard to the speakers and the headset plugged into the analogue.

Then set Teamspeak up to use the Mic/Speakers of the analogue.

SPEAKERS = Game Audio
HEADSET = Bunch of geeks screaming how $$£% I am.

If this is possible but with further hardware being required, or is it maybe possible with a USB headset? please say.


The USB headset is in effect its own audio device, independednt of others on the computer.
If you have Game audio on the speakers and chat on the headset, don't they all end up hearing all your game sounds when you talk?
You'd need two soundcards and an option in at least one of the programs to pick which device it uses.

not always:) some cards have two separate line outs which is perfect for this job. starting with the newest drivers, it looks like the xonar can send a separate audio feed to the front panal as well, though i havent tried this yet:


but anyway, i know for a fact the 7.1+2 chipsets can, like the onboard sound on the asus p5w dh. the most straight forward way is to use a card and your onboard though, of course.
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