is this the Right choice ?

22 Sep 2005
is this the right deccision ?

THIS Main Board ( im getting that mobo no matter what ...its the memory ima fter advice on )


THIS memory ?

1GB Module PN – OCZ26671024VP

im going fro only one 1gb module, as im going to upgrade to 2gig dual channel as soon as i can... its just cheaper that way.

asus specifies non-ECC memory... how do i know if this is non ECC, and can anyone spot any other compatability issues ?
cool cheers
i thouight it weas the other way round as ive seen a lot of memory stated as none-ECC... but as you say ive never seen one stated ECC.


would you say OCZ is the better out of all the value ranges ?
im hoping to save some money too as it coems with a heat spreader.

or would i be better off just getting one without a spreader, as i fancy a thermaltake true light one :) ...or will they not fit on DDR2 memory... i dont know the difference in thickness etc ?

or is the difference between say corsair, OCZ Geil Gskill value ranges just too minute ? ( not sure if all of those offer value DDR2, just an example )
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lol... im a totalt sucker for going for things that look good :(... i really cant help it lol
didnt think they run aty that low a voltage .
i know heat spreaders are kinda pointless, but... if all value stuff is similar i suppose its a bonus to get one included.

i wanted to go to higher end memory... but single 1 gb modules seem to be like gold dust !! and still... a little more money than i want to spend. i dont want to buy memeory buit im forced to with my new mobo :( lol dont ya just love computers :mad:

thabnks for the help man, somtimes answers like that are just what people need.
yep 2x DDR2...
id go for 4x 512, but im kinda secretly wanting to uupgrade to 3 gig, then 4 gig eventualy lol... shhhh dont want the parents to find out :P

im sure that board allows me to run 1 sert of dual channel and an extra stick, with no loss in performance... making that odd number ( 3 gig ) totaly okay !... until ofcourse i get the 4th stick lol.

OCZ do some HIGH end modules seperate, but theyre stupid prices and i cant find them anyway lol ( which is probs a good thing.

when i get my second stick in the near future, do i HAVE to get exactly the same brand and model and speed, or just the same capacity?
i dont really underastand timings etc... ive read dozens of FAQs about timings but i just dont get it lol.
oh btw, i meant 4x DDR2 slots...
when you say banks... are you talking about the acctual black chips that are on the sticks ?

im trying to take in all that your saying... memory is one of the last things on my list of " things to learn to understand computer hardware" lol
thanks m8
ill drop a post as soon as ive got it up and running !!
hopefully the end of the week :D
thanks again for your time
thayts easy enough... but just to make sure... we are talking about the black chips on the sticks yea ?

i know the stuff i have in my macchine has chips on both sides, and the machine downstairs ( SDRAM ) lol has sticks with chips on only one side
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