Is this too dark for a web page ?

Man of Honour
16 Mar 2005
Clevedon , Bristol
As title , just trying a darkish , minimalist look for a web site gallery.


Comments/Criticisms welcomed.


Font can be changed, but has to look handwritten.

It will be a simple gallery for someone , the random text on the frontpage will just be a couple of lines about the artist.
joeyjojo said:
Custom fonts can be difficult. You have to find a widespread one, ideally a windows default, some backups, and some default mac ones. Also, can be hard to read. Just trying to dissuade you :)

Looks better. A flash of colour might be nice though. Depends what the space is going to contain. If you're sticking colour photos in there it'll look fine.

What's the plan man!? :)

Just trying to knock up a background , with a basic text layout for the homepage.

Must be a sort of handwritten text , and the gallery will feature colour pics.

I know didly squat about website coding/programming etc.

The only site i ever made was done in Dreamweaver some years ago , which is now scorned upon :D

Are there any "handwritten" web compatible fonts ?

joeyjojo said:
Really, no. But if you know which are windows/mac defaults you can use those. For example, in the css: p {font-family: "Bradley Hand ITC", "Another font", "And another", "some backups ones", Verdana, Arial;}

For things which must be a unique font you'll have to make an image.

Also, automatically stretching an image for a background often looks poor. A tried and tested solution would be to basically keep it the same but stick it in the middle of the page:

Cliched, sorry, but that's the basic design for a reason. You need to get some ideas together from this chap, work out what you want sort of thing.

Thanks for the advice and your knowledge JJJ

Got a lot to learn, should keep me busy :D
riddlermarc said:
I think joeyjojo had a good stab at brightening the fonts up, definitely looks better :) Compare your original site with the posted Apple one and see the difference, if you can get a similar type of contrast you're halfway there..

Agree , JJJ has made a lot of difference ( he's annoylingly good :D ), have to read up on compatable fonts
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