Is this trespassing?

15 Jan 2005
So I'm going around on my motorbike going nowhere in particular on country roads, I see a narrow road I haven't been down before. Some way down I get to a wide wooden gate, which is all the way open. There is a sign saying the name of the place with private property and also a Caravan Club sign. So I guess it must be a caravan site or something, I decide to see what's down there as the road goes on quite a bit.

Half way down a car is coming the other way so I stop to let it go by, a woman gets out and asks what I'm doing there, takes a photo of me and bike plate, says she'll report me to the police, I just say ok I'll get going then, turn around and go. I'd understand if I was on a dirt bike wearing trackies but that wasn't the case.

Now I'm led to believe that if somewhere has an open gate and a road that is connected to a public road it's not really trespassing, does anyone know about this?
Who led you to believe this?

If somebody had to go down there to talk to the people living there or something then they would have to use that road to get there and it's connected to the public road so you have an implied right of access or something like that?

I would have thought using their road is a different matter to snooping around in their fields.
why would you drive to a caravan site randomly??

I just like to look at stuff.

What was funny though is she turned out of the road the same way as me, I sped up a bit, saw a turning I wanted to take but was going too fast so turned around at a roundabout and she saw me going the other way, probably thought I was going back there!:D
I can see that from my house. Is that where you had the encounter because I've been told off for going up there before. Supposedly its a private road though I was a bit dubious because there's road signs on it and even if it were private it's probably owned by BT, not the woman whose house is down there, and I'm sure they don't care.

No I've been up there a few times with no problems, great view, sunsets etc.
No, they can legally wear open face helmets. I find it disgusting that so many choose to wear full face lids. I think it's because they are oppressed, but it makes me scared! They should be banned!:eek::(:mad:

I know you're joking but open face helmets are near pointless in terms of protection and flip up ones are highly compromised.
Point I was making was that a guy in trackies does not seem as threatening as a guy with his face hidden. The fact he rides a motorcycle is an reason for having the helmet but it doesn't excuse him being on private property and clearly ignoring the signs. You are given a sense of security by being able to identify the potential criminal of a crime that has yet to happen, exactly why the lady took the picture of him and the bike.

I'd trust someone wearing hundreds of pounds of gear in the interest of safety over somebody in trackies and an Adidas hat tbqh fam.
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