Is this why Americans are obese?

Man of Honour
Man of Honour
3 May 2004
Kapitalist Republik of Surrey
NEW YORK The sleeping pill Ambien seems to unlock a primitive desire to eat in some patients, according to emerging medical case studies that describe how the drug's users sometimes sleepwalk into their kitchens, claw through their refrigerators like animals and consume calories ranging into the thousands.

The next morning, the night eaters remember nothing about their foraging. But they wake up to find telltale clues - mouthfuls of peanut butter, chips in their beds, kitchen counters overflowing with flour, missing food, and even lighted ovens and stoves. Some are so embarrassed, they delay telling anyone, even as they gain weight.

"These people are hell-bent to eat,"

Quite a comedy article, bit more about it here

I can picture a fatty waking up in the morning covered in food, peanut butter smeared on face looking at greasy hands "what happened...?" :D
Pudney@work said:
I'm fat and lazy, and happy to admit it! :D
Hahahah, but have you ever woken up surrounded by half eaten food with peanut butter on your face? That's when you know you may have to do something about it :D

VIRII said:
Just noticed your sig - Excalibur fan ?
/Wipes brow - ok I thought I was the only one to notice that!
sniffy said:
He also said he saw like 5 fat people the whole time he was there :confused:
He should try Florida next time. It'll more than make up for his disappointment :D
Sequoia said:
My apologies, Jonny. And in case there's any misunderstanding, my moaning about the "only in America" stuff was NOT aimed at you or this thread. The intent of this thread was obviously lighthearted, and it got taken seriously off-track, in part at least, by me (though I didn't start it, I just rose to the challenge). Anyway, you have my apologies for my part in the hijack and, unless things change, I've said my piece now.
Heheheh, no worries :D

Note: I'm not serious ;)
Mickey_D said:
If it ain't deep fried, don't serve it to me.
Mickey, I like the cut of your jib. We'd get on well :D Good luck to the wife, that's a hell of a lot to shift. Hope she's not to down about struggling to shift it. She's no on sleeping pills is she? Blame the doc... ;D

Amp34 said:
Sorry Jonny69 i think it was mainly my fault for derailing the thread. Ill try not to do it again :o
Aaw shucks, here I'll take back your black star and give you a gold one instead :D
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