Is windows messed up?

7 Mar 2005

Just built my new pc in sig. Windows is always crashing, my temps seem fine.

> I can't uninstall anything
>Windows update doesnt work ( just tried to update same thing over and over)
>Loads of diff windows keep crashing
>Start/run msconfig doesnt display anything
>Alt Ctlr Del doesnt display anything

Would this me most likley down to a duff install of windows or something more serious?
When you say you just built a new PC, do you mean you put the hardware together and just popped the hard drive from your old machine into this new one?
Or did you do a format and start again?
Pyrosoft said:
When you say you just built a new PC, do you mean you put the hardware together and just popped the hard drive from your old machine into this new one?
Or did you do a format and start again?

Its a hard drive from my old pc, but the drive was formatted one the new one was built and a fresh windows was installed.

I try download something and the download window freezes :eek:

I think speed fan says my cpu temp is only 32.
Fair enough.
Seems very strange if it's a brand new install.

Erm...take the RAM out, clean the contacts and put it all back in again.
I'm suspecting that some hardware is a bit flakey or not in place perfictly or some dust on it or something...
If that doesnt work then give it a re-install and hope that works :)
Is there any possibility you picked up a virus at all?

A few years ago I did a fresh install and things started going to pot. Just like you I couldn't run windows update or uninstall anything. Granted this was a while ago and the same virus is probably useless against SP2... but new viruses pop up every day...

I had problems with my installer which effected my updates.
heres the fix i used.
Unregister Windows Installer, and then reregister Windows Installer. To do this, follow these steps:

1. On the "Start" menu, click "Run:.

2. In the "Open" box, type "msiexec /unreg", and then press ENTER.

3. On the "Start" menu, click "Run".

4. In the "Open" box, type "msiexec /regserver", and then press ENTER.

Hope it helps.
I've formatted and everything seems to be working great :) Very happy this is my first ever build :)

Thanks for your help !
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